Administrative Order 16-09 Establishes Claims Bar Dates for Cases Converted From Chapter 11 to Chapter 7.
On December 15, 2016, Chief Judge Margaret Cangilos-Ruiz entered an administrative order establishing timeframes for the filing of proofs of claims in chapter 7 cases converted from chapter 11. The Clerk is directed to set the proof of claim bar dates for both governmental units and general creditors in the chapter 7 case. The time period for governmental units is dependent upon the status of the bar date set in the chapter 11 for those claimants. The Chief Judge's direction for general creditors follows the mandate of Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 3002(c).
The administrative order embodies the unanimous decision of the NYNB Board of Judges. Please review carefully the Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case (Official Form 309D) to ensure you note the deadlines for filing proofs of claims in cases converted from chapter 11 to chapter 7. Please view the terms of Administrative Order 16-09.