This is to inform you that the Clerk's office has made an addition to the CM/ECF 'Batch Filings' menu for use in filing multiple "virtual" NDRs in a single transaction.
As you know, when administering §341 calendars via CM's "Trustee's 341 Filings - Closed" interface, you have the ability to submit multiple NDRs which are comprised of text only and which have no corresponding PDF file attached.
Until now, there were only two options available for submitting the NDR subsequent to closing the meeting:
1) The "No Asset Report (with PDF)" selection - found on the 'Batch Filings' menu;
2) The "Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No-Distribution (No PDF)" selection - found under 'Trustee/US Trustee'.
Neither of these options provide for submitting "text-only" NDRs in multiple cases in a single transaction - and since you're not able to go back in under "Trustee's 341 Filings" and administer cases that you've previously closed, the following addition to the 'Batch Filings' menu should provide an easy and efficient alternative:
Effective immediately, you will see a selection under the 'Batch Filings' sub-menu called: "Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No-Distribution (No PDF) (batch)". This will allow you to submit "text-only" NDRs on multiple cases in a single transaction and it's ideal for use in instances where you've previously closed multiple 341 meetings without filing the NDRs.
Please refer to the previously distributed OUST memo for guidelines on certifying submission of these "documents".
If you have any questions please contact Dina Ventura at (315) 266-1109 or Tom Zdanowicz at (518) 257-1618.