Revised January 2004
When the Court converted its case management software to CM/ECF we gained the ability to make the docket available for viewing and for docketing on every case filed after August 1, 1992. Thus, whether a case is closed or open it can be both docketed to and viewed. We also gained the ability to close more cases automatically when they become eligible.
Information on the status of a case is now readily available by:
• accessing the Voice Case Information System (VCIS) at 1-800-206-1952;
• viewing the docket through PACER, or;
• using the public access computers located in the public area of the Clerk’s Office.
On occasion an attorney will attempt to file a motion or other document at the public counter, through the mail, or via electronic case filing on a closed case. Before filing documents with the Clerk’s Office please be certain the case is open or the document can be filed on the case. The Clerk’s Office will not check the status of a case prior to the filing and cannot return a filing fee for an improper filing.
If you are taking advantage of electronic case filing, an attempt to docket on a closed case will be met with a display message warning that the case is closed. Most closed cases show the designation of “CLOSED” at the top of the docket. Unfortunately, if you complete a docket entry on a closed case and a filing fee is required, the Court will charge your credit card.
Please share this information with your support staff. If you or your staff have any questions please feel free to contact either of our Intake Supervisors. Lori Nemyj is in our Utica office and can be reached at 315-793-8101 and Lisa Cardinal of the Albany office can be reached at 518- 257-1601.