To All External Filers:
This notice is being provided as an aid for use in filing payment advices and/or negative statements concerning payment advices. While the definition of payment advices (or other evidence) is unclear, we feel that the attachment will provide a vehicle for illustrating a debtor's situation pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 521(a)(1)(B)(iv). This is not a required form. It's simply an option that you may find useful. You will still be allowed to file payment advices without including this document and you may still file negative statements in affidavit form.
When electronically filing this document (or any payment advice or related statement) please use the CM/ECF menu selection: Bankruptcy<>Other<>Payment Advice Statement(s).
This form, "Payment Advice Form - O:521C(03/02/2006)" , has been posted on the Court's Internet website under "Fillable Bankruptcy Forms", "Local Forms" and hard copies are available in the public areas at all three Clerk's office locations.