CM/ECF filers should be aware of the potential to inadvertently share restricted documents when using third-party services or software to collect or organize case filings.
Sharing your PACER account credentials with a third-party service provider or designating that provider as a secondary recipient of a Notice of Electronic Filing or Notice of Docket Activity (NEF/NDA) will give it access to sealed or restricted case information and documents in violation of court order. You are urged to use caution in your computer security practices to ensure that sealed or restricted documents to which you have access are not disclosed.
To avoid inappropriate dissemination of restricted information, you should:
- Refer to your state’s Bar Rules to determine whether it is inappropriate to include a third-party service’s email address as a secondary notice recipient (i.e., a violation of confidentiality or other obligations);
- Be cautious using third-party services and software, and not use services or software that directly link to filers’ PACER accounts in order to avoid inadvertently redistributing restricted documents; and
- Be mindful of who you list as secondary NEF/NDA recipients and ensure that third-party services cannot access restricted information and documents intended only for case participants.