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UTICA DIVISION ONLY: Notice of Transition from Teams Audio to Teams Video Conferencing for Appearances for Motions and Confirmation Hearings and New Time for Confirmation Hearings

Monday, September 16, 2024

On December 1, 2024, the Utica Division of the New York Northern Bankruptcy Court will discontinue using Teams Audio and begin using Teams Video for appearances for motions and confirmation hearings.

Note that a notice of hearing for a matter scheduled in the Utica Division on or after December 1, 2024, must contain the Teams Video Conferencing meeting registration information in place of the Teams dial-in information.  The specific language to be included in a notice of hearing and instructions for registering for a video appearance is located on the court’s website: on Judge’ Radel’s page under both the Appearances and Hearing Dates tab.  It will also appear on the top of Judge Radel’s posted calendar beginning September 17, 2024.

Further note that for Utica cases, the time of chapter 12 and 13 confirmation hearings will change to 1:00 p.m. beginning with the December 17, 2024, calendar.